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    • English
      • Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
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          • Term
            • virtual being
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • A computer program that takes the physical form of a human being and uses artificial intelligence to behave in a way that mimics a real person. Cambridge Blog
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Various technologies are being harnessed to bring so-called virtual beings ‘to life’ with techniques such as forms of digital puppetry where creators’ actions are powering their movements or even speech. - CMF Trends by
            • Each element of the game, each virtual being or object, acts as a commodity, placed in an extensive metonymic chain where each link is defined only in relation to the others. - Standford University by
            • Unlike a normal videogame character a Virtual Being such as Lucy utilises AI and machine learning, enabling her to evoke an emotional response from interactions and eventually have memories – thus creating a character with tangible human qualities. - VR Focus by
  • Compare this term in: Albanian, German, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak

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