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    • inglês
      • Medicina: Assistência médica
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          • Term
            • gender confirmation surgery
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Any of several surgical procedures that a transgender person may choose to undergo in order to obtain the physical characteristics that match their gender identity. Merriam-Webster
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Gender confirmation surgery has been covered by Brazil's public health system since 2011. But only five public hospitals perform the procedure, and the waiting list is long. Going through a private clinic enabled the twins to have the surgery sooner. - Buenos Aires Times by
            • An Arizona state employee health plan’s blanket refusal to pay for gender reassignment surgery will stay in effect pending a lawsuit over its legality because the preliminary relief sought goes beyond maintaining the parties’ positions during the litigation, a federal court said. - Bloomberg Law by
            • Ryle said that Saint Francis Memorial Hospital has been performing gender confirmation surgery for decades. "In 1973, Saint Francis Memorial started doing gender realignment, so this is not new," Ryle said. "A hospital on the Westside of San Francisco turned a patient away the day of their surgery. That's who Saint Francis is — doing this kind of work for almost 50 years." - Bay Area Reporter by
  • Compare this term in: búlgaro, alemão, holandês, espanhol, persa (farsi), italiano, coreano, português, russo, turco, ucraniano

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