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[世纪疫症]之 新世事、新语言 Thread poster: David Lin
LIZ LI China Local time: 02:51 Faransiis to Chinese + ... Not interested | Jun 2, 2022 |
Jianrong Sun wrote:
@Rita Pang
有老有小,还是搞钱来得靠谱。 | | |
Jr Sun Local time: 02:51 Member (2019) Ingiriisi to Chinese + ...
LIZ LI wrote:
Jianrong Sun wrote:
@Rita Pang
在我的印象中,简体中文,也包括繁体中文世界里,常常一个中性话题的讨论,也会变成一个有争议的话题,中文世界这样的例子多了。 | | |
Rita Pang Canada Local time: 13:51 Member (2011) Chinese to Ingiriisi + ... Moderator of this forum
LIZ LI wrote:
Actually, there are indeed a number of topics which aren't meant for Proz. They are not necessarily inappropriate in the broader sense of the word, but they are indeed something that'll have mods and staff asking for an edit right away. This includes talking about your own services and outright selling oneself on a forum thread, for example, even if the OP may be explicitly asking for help. Other topics include naming agencies directly even if the agency is in the wrong. There are a number of topics which are not allowed within Proz forums, so I'd recommend that everyone take a look at the rules to learn more:
Jianrong Sun wrote:
Not always, but there are topics that are definitely meant for Twitter. And honestly they are probably better suited for Twitter. Who has time to read paragraphs of debate really these days? I'm happy with my 280 words on Twitter. | | |
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule |
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule |
LIZ LI China Local time: 02:51 Faransiis to Chinese + ... I mean the original topic | Jun 3, 2022 |
Rita Pang wrote:
LIZ LI wrote:
Actually, there are indeed a number of topics which aren't meant for Proz.
David 最初的发言是Covid19刚刚出现的时候,众多新词、新规定、新应对、新态度层出不穷。英文的social distancing, omicron, monkypox俨然已经成为热度关键词。
(卷也是旧词新用,社媒用词,表示竞争激烈) | | |
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule |
Rita Pang Canada Local time: 13:51 Member (2011) Chinese to Ingiriisi + ... Moderator of this forum
LIZ LI wrote:
David 最初的发言是Covid19刚刚出现的时候
Hey Liz, I am 100% with you here, but it's important that I respond to your remark that "Proz其实没啥不合适", simply because of the reasons listed above. Again, it's not against you or anyone here, it's just to remind folks about where they can find forum (and Kudoz!) rules.
As is typical of the Chinese forum, 跑題 happens 99% of the time with our threads 😂 We are here only really when certain posts need de-vetting.
Cheers | |
QHE United States Local time: 13:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ... "scientific and precise dynamic zero" (科学精准动态清零) | Oct 22, 2022 |
David Shen wrote :
Five variations for the term "Lockdown"
Any suggestions on the translation of these new terms?
Confuse or convince?
The BBC found that since March, China has partially or fully locked down 152 prefecture-level cities, affecting a population of more than 280 million. . . .
BBC gathered data starting in March because that's when China's fourth phase of Covid control measures kicked off - comparing lockdowns across phases is harder because official language changes, skewing definitions and therefore, the corresponding data.
And China's bureaucrats have certainly found inventive new ways to describe lockdowns. The measures had become so controversial and dreaded that confusing official-speak was one way to make them more palatable.
So they used phrases like "stasis management", "at-home stillness" or to be clearer, "stillness throughout the whole region" or "stop all unnecessary movement".
Then came "temporary societal control", which authorities said was not a "lockdown" but reduced movement that somehow would not affect the "normal order of production and life". And yet "the public was asked not to go out unless necessary".
"Enclosed management" was another new phrase invented in the southern province of Guangdong. It means that the village, district or residential compound is enclosed, with checkpoints at entrances and exits. People and vehicles are allowed to enter and leave with passes. People who do not live or work in the enclosed area are not allowed to enter. But, residents were told, it's not a lockdown.
When track-and-trace methods started to grate, eager officials came up with an alternative: "temporal and spatial overlapper". The sci-fi-inspired phrase refers to someone whose location, tracked by their phone, has overlapped in time and space with someone else who is Covid-positive. . . .
Now China is in what Beijing calls the "scientific and precise dynamic zero" phase, whose meaning no-one seems to be sure about. It's meant to be one step up from the earlier "dynamic zero" policy. ( BBC Coronavirus pandemic )
[Edited at 2022-10-22 02:11 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 12:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ... Pandemic phase vs. Pandemic disease | Oct 28, 2022 |
【环球网报道 记者 张晓雅】法新社刚刚报道称,世界卫生组织4日表示,新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎目前并非 “全球性流行病”。
“目前,我们并未处于 全球性流行病之中,”世卫组织传染病危害管理部门主管西尔维 布莱恩德(Sylvie Briand)在日内瓦表示,但“我们正处于 病例的多发期。”
再来听听 Sylvie Briand 的原话,即可知道环球网记者的理解简直错得离谱:
World currently ‘not in a pandemic’ of China coronavirus: WHO
The World Health Organization said Tuesday that the outbreak of the deadly novel coronavirus, which has spread from China to two dozen countries, does not yet constitute a “pandemic.”
“Currently we are not in a pandemic,” Sylvie Briand, head of WHO’s Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness division, told reporters in Geneva.
Instead, she said, “we are at the phase where it is an epidemic with multiple foci.”
The disease has killed more than 425 people and infected a further 20,000 in China, nearly all of them in central Hubei province -- the epicenter of the outbreak -- and spread to two-dozen countries since it emerged in December.
显然, Sylvie Briand 的意思并非是“目前,我们并未处于全球性流行病之中”,而是“我们并未处于全球性流行阶段”;而且她所说的 "foci" 是指 “epidemic foci”。因此,环球网记者的理解“我们正处于病例的多发期”也是完全错误的。
Epidemic Focus
in epidemiology, the place where the source of the causative agent of an infection (a sick person or bacteria carrier) resides and the area adjacent to that place; that is, the area that poses a threat of transmitting infection to surrounding individuals.
Endemic vs pandemic
The degree to which a virus spreads to cause disease can be classed into 3 different phases: endemic, epidemic, and pandemic.
环球网记者张晓雅的报道发表于2020年2月5日。那时,她对 Covid-19 pandemic 理解有误,尚情有可原。但我最近听说,中国大陆一般把 “Covid-19 pandemic” 笼统地翻译成“新冠疫情”。我认为,这种译法无疑是错误的,至少是不严格。如果这种译法是正确的,那么 “Coronavirus endemic” 和 “Coronavirus epidemic” 又该译成什么呢?自2019年12月武汉爆发 Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) 以来,已经将近三年了。看来,某些人至今仍然还没搞清 Covid-19 pandemic 究竟是什么含义。 | | |
ysun United States Local time: 12:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 12:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ...
ysun United States Local time: 12:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 12:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ... Two years ago in Los Angeles | Nov 6, 2022 |
Cars in lines for Covid-19 testing in Los Angeles on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2020. More than 155,000 new U.S. cases a day, on average, were confirmed during that week. David McNew/Getty Images | | |
ysun United States Local time: 12:51 Ingiriisi to Chinese + ... |
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