Glossary entry

Japanese term or phrase:


English translation:

to the extent possible

Added to glossary by KathyT
Mar 22, 2006 05:31
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Japanese term


Japanese to English Marketing Media / Multimedia
Hi All,
I'm having trouble coming up with something more catchy than "...we have begun to offer this service from *within the scope that is available* (to us)."
Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue! All suggestions appreciated.

Full Sentence:


KathyT (asker) Mar 22, 2006:
Apologies - as you can probably ascertain from my example, it is a new service that will be introduced, a payment method to be exact. Basically they are saying that they will start by offering service A at this stage, and perhaps expand that to include service A + Option B at sometime in the future, depending on the demand for it. Sorry - can't say much more than that. ;-)
Marc Adler Mar 22, 2006:
More context is needed! 対応 can mean everything from "compatibility" to "response," so *what* is being offered (提供) makes a difference to the answer.

Proposed translations

39 mins

to the extent possible

"We will begin offering the service to the extent possible at the present time."

In that case, you don't need to worry about the 対応, because it's basically referring to the 提供. In other words, the company will offer the service to the extent that technological/legal/business/whatever considerations allow.

Basically, this is just a high-falutin' way of saying できるだけ, so you can translate accordingly: "as circumstances allow," "to as many customers as possible," etc. Whatever the context requires.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kurt Hammond : I like "as circumstances allow" best.
7 hrs
agree V N Ganesh
8 hrs
agree Can Altinbay : with Kurt.
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, everyone. Marc's answer was very similar to what I ended up using in the actual text. Much appreciated! "
2 hrs

We have begun to offer this option from within the scope of our current services

--- We have begun to offer this option from within the scope of our current services.

But strictly speaking, it should be:

-- We have begun to offer options from within the current scope of our services.

Just a try. It's hard to start with "service" (we offer) and then end with "scope of service" (we offer).

Hope I was reading it correctly.
Peer comment(s):

agree IC --
16 mins
agree Bailatjones : yes, I agree. This flows nicely and captures the sense of the phrase as I understood...'from within the possible scope/range of 'services'
36 mins
thank you Michelle Jones-san!
neutral Kurt Hammond : the word "scope" sort of smacks of choku-yaku to me. I can imagine the word "scope" in an internal business discussion but I just can't envision it in a cusotmer-facing context.
5 hrs
thanks and indeed... It was my layman's attempt. (Business is alway quite beyond my grasp)...:)
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11 mins

"best effort" basis

At this time, we plan to offer support on a "best effort" basis.

I'm borrowing a term we throw around all the time in my IT related job. It means that support will be provided but no promises are made.

Note added at 8 hrs (2006-03-22 13:32:04 GMT)

I'll leave my reply as relevant to an IT context, but I withdraw this as consideration for points because it does not fix the context of the additional clarification.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Kurt. I am leaning towards one of the other answers which I think will suit quite well, but I appreciate your input. Thanks also for not hiding your answer. A future archive-searcher might think it's perfect for their context. (-:
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2 hrs

(We have currently begun to offer) a responding services within the possible scope


We have currently begun to offer responding services within the possible scope.


We have currently begun to offer possilble responding services within the scope.


Note added at 8 hrs (2006-03-22 13:40:26 GMT)

We have currently begun to offer possible responding services.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kurt Hammond : the word "scope" sort of smacks of choku-yaku to me. I can imagine the word "scope" in an internal business discussion but I just can't envision it in a cusotmer-facing context. - sorry, the new one doesn't do it for me; I find it hard to understand...
5 hrs
Thank you!! If "scope" bugs you this much, how do you like the new one I just put?
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8 hrs

within the framework of

within the frame work of a regulatory act

Note added at 20 hrs (2006-03-23 02:08:04 GMT)

To the extent feasible within finance/budget/resource/...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Kurt Hammond : I don't see that meaning anywhere in the original Japanese.
45 mins
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