The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French法语译成English英语 历史 Translation Glossary

French法语 term English英语 translation
c'est un veritable projet de rapatriement it is a veritable repatriation plan / bill (depending on context)
Entered by: Steven Capsuto
cahiers de doléances lists of grievances
caisson driver's box/dickey box
car les tailles et les droits nous écrasent for we are crushed by taxes and duties
carrassier raftsman
carreau d'arbalète crossbow bolt
Céramique sigillée terra sigillata/samian ware
Entered by: Laura Robertson
ce qu'ils n'ont peu manger, cesse tout à faict what they hadn't taken after the first time around was soon completely exhausted
ce qui fait l'humain (with the best of) what a human being can be,
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
changer d’attelage change horses
charge de secrétaire position of secretary (or post of secretary)
charliet bedstead
chasseurs de rennes Reindeer Hunters
château de terre earthworks or earthwork fortifications
châtellenie castellany
châtellenie/châtellerie domain of a castellan or castellan domain
citadelles ouvrières the workers\' stronghold
clerc tonsuré tonsured cleric
cloître gothique rayonnant a cloister in the gothic "Rayonnant" style
cobaye (human) guinea pig
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
comité mémoire B'nai B'rith B'nai B'rith memorial committee
comme dit est as stated (t)herein (prev. ref.)
Entered by: Gabriella Bertelmann
Commission provisoire Provisional/ Interim Commission
Compagnon Friend!
connaître les honneurs de highly favoured by
Conseil des Prud'hommes "Conseil des Prud'hommes"(Work/Employment Tribunal)
corvée de soupe soup fatigue
coup dans l'eau fruitless effort
coupe reglee systematically exploit the region
coups de plumes thrusts of the pen
Couronne de lumière Polycandelon or Pendant Lamp
coutumier common law
couverte de berceau pour nippes baby blanket to use as rags
couvre-braises curfew
croix pattée cross pattee
d'après lecture based on research
d'autre ordre of a different kind; in a different league; of a different order
d'une trempe calibre
dame de cour lady of the court
dans sa cohérence et sa permanence all that it contains in the way of logic and immutability
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