The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Ingiriisi Manufacturing Translation Glossary

Ingiriisi term Ingiriisi translation
a third party contract analysis agreement an agreement that a third party will be (or is) contracted to do the analysis..
Entered by: airmailrpl
as machnie manufacturers the Machinery Directive takes precedent the Machinery Directive prevails, takes precedence
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
bottle-to-bottle plastic bottle recycling (into plastic bottle)
Cpds compounds
Entered by: Ines Burrell
designing, engineering and fabricating conceiving and drawing the plans for // practical applications of science and mathematics // constructing, manufacturing
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
fast colour start-ups correct colour balance, intensity, etc. is achieved quickly at the start of a print run
filled/unfilled inside tire paints Lubricants with/without an additive called filler
giveaway excess product (see context)
Entered by: Kristina Thorne
gross metal gross test (for metal)
hardened crystal hardened watch glass
Entered by: Cagdas Karatas
learned stress stress currently considered normal from previous operation
PCO plastic closure only
pre-bleed bleed down to X% of ... prior to biocide dosage
regular forecasting cycle by customer / part number for use the use of by
steel NV specific tooth form
Entered by: Alaa Zeineldine
Straight pass ratio Ratio of output produced without rework against the total production volume
tee Tee-joint or Tee-connector
TO-xxx Transistor Outline [reference nos. for different semiconductor package configurations]
Entered by: Tony M
Tripping Gun heat stripping gun/heat gun
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
type accptance type approval
With title displayed. showing the title
work systems arrangements, systems
Entered by: Lalit Sati
work towards .... work towards a regular forecasting cycle
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