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Ingiriisi Nuclear Eng/Sci Translation Glossary

Ingiriisi term Ingiriisi translation
instrumentation and control I & C (remote) measuring / command
Entered by: Tony M
particulate form in the form of particles
Radioactive primary side water Water that is in direct contact with the core
alignment of the fire protection (FP) lines Modifying the fire protection lines to carry out a purpose they were originally not intended for
ambient dose equivalent equivalent to a uniform spheric distribution
at high reactor coolant pressure when the pressure of the reactor coolant is high
backwash valve pit place where valves are installed to reverse the current of seawater
basement subgrade / foundation soil
bus tie connection between two buses (busbars)
cleanup system (cools) cleans up, maintains acceptable temperature, removes dissolved and suspended solids, etc.
Clearance level level of radioactivity below which waste material may be treated as non-radioactive
conditioning production of a waste package (treated waste in a suitable container) for handling, disposal, etc.
confinement (role of the) confinement (structures is to confine the radioactive material)
control power was lost power to the control system(s) failed
Entered by: Tony M
control rod drive system a system called control rod drive system which can inject water directly into the reactors
covering had roof on
Cross-tie lines Interconnecting power lines
for at-power internal events an internal event, on load
Entered by: Tony M
for the line break situation when the line is broken
Gross Count Rate Response Gross Count Rate shows how many gamma rays the monitor detects
Entered by: airmailrpl
grounding short circuit to ground (US) / earth (UK)
in the ex-vessel configuration there is a reactor pressure vessel within the ex-vessel configuration
industrialization large scale manufacture not merely fabrication
Inspection outage the reactors were temporaily suspended at the time for inspection
inventory water inventory
Issue Closure guidelines for containing severe accident issues
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
β β nuclides
local readings of high reactor pressure local readings say that reactor pressure is high
Entered by: Tony M
loops loops
make-up water condensate water supplied (as to a steam boiler) to compensate for loss by evaporation and leakage
manipulate the valves operate valves manually
milling to cut or roll (metal) with or as if with a milling machine
ministries ministries...plural (more than one ministry involved)
operational intervention level (OIL) of 13 000 counts/min Yes, your understanding is correct.
operational safety programme safety programme to check its operations/working or running processes
penetrate enter
plenum an enclosure or space completely filled with water
Possible region depleted in uranium. possible is correct here
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
redundant to a back up system to
Reference leg reserve tank
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