Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Сврха састављања српско-енглеског и енглеско-српског теолошког речника јесте да се на једном месту сакупе религијски и богословски појмови који се често преводе са енглеског или на енглески језик. Приликом састављања речника коришћени су преводи теолошких текстова чији аутори долазе из свих крајева света, а матерњи језик им није нужно енглески. То ... View more
Сврха састављања српско-енглеског и енглеско-српског теолошког речника јесте да се на једном месту сакупе религијски и богословски појмови који се често преводе са енглеског или на енглески језик. Приликом састављања речника коришћени су преводи теолошких текстова чији аутори долазе из свих крајева света, а матерњи језик им није нужно енглески. То ... View more
Brief and idiosyncratic glossary for interpreting the Dao De Jing. Only pinyin and English.
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
This glossary contains a selection of frequently used and/or technical terms used in the translation of Hegel's (among others) work. This German-English Glossary is only a user guide and should be treated as such. Generally speaking where there are several English translations, the preferred terms are listed first and the ones after the semicolon a... View more
Hegel's Science of Philosophy
From Peter C. Hodgson, Hegel's Lectures on The Philosophy of Religion |
Dictionary of Philosophical Terms
KG Sauer München |
20 000 entries covering all disciplines of philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of history, social philosophy, philosophy of language, theory of action, decision theory, ethcis, aesthetics) - plus topical entries of philosophical re... View more
An encyclopedia of philosophical terms from the University of Tennessee at Martin.
Word Lists
Stephen Chrisomalis |
Comprehensive lists of categories in English, including rare words: Sciences and Studies, Forms and Shapes, Carriages and Chariots, Divination and Fortune-Telling, Fabric and Cloth, Forms of Government, Grammatical Cases, Philosophical 'Isms', Colour Terms, Bearing and Carrying Terms, Adjectives of Relation, Ecclesiastical Terms, Feeding and Eating... View more
Glossary of Kant's Religious Terms
Stephen Palmquist |
This Glossary supplements the Glossary in KSP1:453-61 [Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms] providing brief definitions for selected technical terms that are specifically related to Kant's theology and philosophy of religion. (The only terms listed here that Kant himself does not use are 'Critical mysticism' and 'theocentric'.) Taken together, thes... View more
American-English/ English-American Translation Guide
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences of the University of Edinburgh |
Comparative list of American English and British English terms.
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (1901)
James Mark Baldwin (editor), Christopher D Green (online publisher) |
Including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and education.
Term equivalents are provided in Germa... View more
Marxist Encyclopedia |
A Dictionary of Philosophy
Chris Eliasmith |
A dictionary detailing the philosophy of mind :)
The Encyclopedia of Marxism aims to be the most complete reference guide to Marxism, the working class, and revolution in the world. We present these words uniquely with a Marxist analysis & critique, and we try to lay bare these words so there can be a shared understanding, a lucidity that exposes our diverse roots of thought and history, and expl... View more
T�rminos Filos�ficos
Webdianoia-Filosof�a en el Bachillerato |
Sitio muy completo de introducción a la filosofía, que cuenta con un extenso glosario de conceptos y términos filosóficos.
Sanskrit-English dictionary
University of Koeln, Germany |
Sanskrit linguistics, Sanskrit Grammar, philosophy and Literature
A comprehensive English-Porltuguese Philosophy glossary.
Dictionary of Everything, Over 1 Million Terms. English monolingual with a search engine. Sections: Abstract Concepts, Arts and Entertainment, Biographies, Business, Design, Health, Recreation, Science, Society, Technology, World Geography.
A dictionary of philosophical terms and names
very interesting to have a good background about terms used in very various fields
Croatian National Corpus - 30m
Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb |
"compilation and analysis of a corpus of the Croatian language as a basic systematized linguistic material which serves for all kinds of Croatistic, lexicological and lexicographic researches"
General and specific French dictionnaries and encyclopedia of different time periods: from 1400 to 1930. Fields include : law, history, science, philosophy,history, economics, aesthetic,languages, latin, vieux françois … Online browsing via pdf microfiches. From the welcome page, select "découverte" then "dictionnaires". Also contains classical ... View more
Book Title: Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology: Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education and Giving a Terminology in English, French, Ger... View more
A dictionary of classical Islamic philosophy and logic
Monolingual German encyclopedia. Site also features links to discussion fora and other Internet references in this field.