Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Содержит русско-английские термины.
This list covers the period since the collapse of the USSR. Where dates are given, this indicates a term or institution created and/or disbanded since August 1991. Where it says ‘of the MVD’ it means of the central All-Russian apparatus. It has been compiled from a wide range of open media sources, and cannot pretend to be either comprehensive or c... View more
Social Security glossary ( EN> IT)
Social Security Administration |
قاموس أمن المعلومات
مركز التميز لأمن المعلومات بجامعة الملك سعود |
Более 250 терминов.
Health/welfare/labor terminologies
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (JPSS) |
医療情報システム いりょうじょうほうしすてむ medical care information system 医療審議会 いりょうしんぎかい Council on Medical Service Facilities 医療ソーシャルワーカー いりょうそーしゃるわーかー medical social worker (msw) 医療費適正化 いりょうひてきせいか moderation in health care cost 医療法 いりょうほう Medical Care Law Medical Service Law 医療法人 いりょうほうじん medical juridical person medical corporatio... View more
Securitisation glossary
Vinod Kothari |
A useful, and current, glossary of English terms relating to securitisation/securitization, that is to say, the repackaging of various financial instruments as a security traded on the financial market. This glossary guides you to the meaning of over 500 words and phrases used in securitization industry.
Viruses, Adware etc.
CA (Transforming IT Management) |
Glossary of terms used in IT, especially in connection with security issues
Glossario previdenziale italiano - inglese
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
a tempo determinato temporary accordo bilaterale bilateral agreement accordo internazionale di sicurezza sociale international agreement of social security
Microsoft Switzerland |
Umfangreiches Glossar über Computersicherheit
Networking security and encryption
B. Forouzan, The McGrawHill Companies copyright |
Vasto glossario con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli IPC/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Extensive glossary with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The IPC/IP protocols" by B.A. Forouz... View more
Extensive glossary of SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption and security terms.
Glosario de seguridad de autotransportes
Administración Federal de Seguridad de Autotransportes - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
Bilingual glossary of motor carrier safety. Can also be accessed from the FMCSA English home page:
Glossary of Social Security Terminology
U.S. Social Security Administration |
Contains everyday words and expressions as well as technical Social Security terminology. Intended to promote uniformity in language usage and avoid misinterpretation of Spanish language materials issued by the Social Security Administration. Certain words may not be used everywhere. In some instances, words were "invented" and a compromise was mad... View more
Special emphasis is given to terms which are country or health-system specific, and short definitions are added when necessary for wider understanding.
The original text was produced by the BKK Bundesverband in Essen in March 1992. An expanded version of that text is now being reviewed by a number of authorities, under the editorial cont... View more
Glosario de Terminología de la Seguridad Social
Fundaci�n Interamericana para el Desarrollo y Formaci�n de Fondos de Pensiones Laborales |
Glosario de Terminología de la Seguridad Social (CASTELLANO-INGLÉS)
Medium-size glossary. Contains a few specialised terms of the domain business (DNS), but also more general computer/internet/web terms and product names. Attempts "to make it simple" for newcomers.
Social Security Terminology (Termini previdenziali)
Italian National Institute of Social Security |
Very useful and specific to social security terminology, both Italian and British.
Glossary of Social Security Terminology
Fundaci�n Interamericana para el Desarrollo y Formaci�n de Fondos de Pensiones Laborales |
Inglés Castellano English Spanish
English Spanish Glossary of Social Security Terminology
SSA - Social Security Administration |
Prepared by SSA employees to promote uniformity in language usage and avoid misinterpretation of Spanish language materials. It contains everyday words and expressions as well as technical Social Security terminology. PDF file Spanish>English version available at
SANS Glossary of Terms Used in Security and Intrusion Detection Updated May 2003
The terms listed within this Glossary and Reference represent a varied selection of the terms used in the world of IT, Security, and Business, all of which have some connection with the subject of Information Security - even if only tenuous. These words, phrases, expressions, acronyms, and abbreviations, are used in everyday conversation, as well a... View more
A great source for your legal translations.
Terms discussed here include people, places, agencies, technology, jargon and clichés used in the aftermath of the attack on the United States. The glossary is organized by topics: terrorism, war, geopolitics, religion, homeland security, disaster recovery and miscellaneous. In some cases, the glossary notes alternative spellings of Arabic and othe... View more
Virus Glossary
McAfee Security offers virus protection, internet security software, personal computer updates, hacker protection and anti-virus downloads |
We know the technical terminology used in virus alerts and descriptions can be confusing. Use this glossary whenever you come across a term you don't understand.
Network Security Glossary
EBU Technologies |
Very informative!
Government On-Line (GOL) Glossary, 2nd edition • Lexique du Gouvernement en direct (GED), 2e edition
Translation Bureau, Gt of Canada |
2001. PDF file. About 3075 entries (included in Termium Plus). The goal of the Government On-Line Glossary is to provide an initial list of English-French and French-English equivalents in this new field (GED). It contains terms and expressions, official titles and a number of observations. The glossary features terminology from a variety of fields... View more
This site contains information for constructors, downloads, security sheets, a few glossaries and more