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Romanian to Ingiriisi Engineering: Industrial Translation Glossary

Romanian term Ingiriisi translation
a unei părţi cât mai mari for as large a segment as possible
Entered by: Claudia Coja
activitate procedurată regulated process (activity)
activitati cu diferite grade de solicitare a atentiei activities requiring different attention levels
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
acvatoriu port waters
alimentare feed
AM CERUT O OFERTA PT LICITATIE to call for a tender / to call for a bid
Entered by: Lara Barnett
angrenaje de forță gearing by contact force
arbore shaft
arcuri fara ruperi continuous helical springs
Aria de captare a proiectului de investitiei catchment area (of the investment project)
Entered by: Claudia Coja
arzătoare modulante modulating (dual fuel) burners
axe în consolă cantilever axes
« la verde» with basic vehicle configuration/ unpersonalized
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
îndiguit with diking/embankment/damming
betonata heavy traffic concreted platform
bombament convexity
Borşapare bucket drilling
Entered by: Adriana I. S.
brat de lovire si aparatoare brat crusher and arm shield/case
camin colector pentru apa water-accumulating tank
Capacitate acumulator start Start battery capacity
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
Capacitate alternator acumulator Alternator and battery capacity
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
centrala termica de condensatie condensing boiler
cheie olandeza C-spanner / hook wrench (with pins or nose)
clipsare snap-fit, snap-lock, snap-joint
clopot de captare catchment cup
colector manifold (system)
colorare in masa Mass coloration
companie electroenergetica electric power company
complet delivery kit / delivery
condiţia măririi gamei de dimensiuni (module) ale capului. the requirement to increase the range of (available sizes) (modules) of the head
conducta de refulare discharge line
conductele de...........instalate in sistem cascada installed in cascade (system)
Entered by: Claudia Coja
conductor de captare bazit BAZIT down conductor
conexpand mufa
contract de concesiune bazat pe modelul DBO/DBFO DBO/DBFO concession agreement
Entered by: Claudia Coja
cota finită a unui teren de fotbal football field grade/ground level elevation
cote de execuție manufacture/actual dimensions or sizes
Entered by: Irina Lazarescu
craitui to chip out
crăițuire gouging
crisen crysene
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