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Romanian to Ingiriisi Engineering: Industrial Translation Glossary

Romanian term Ingiriisi translation
rondier roundsman
rotarie wheelwright's or wheelwright shop
rotor umed wet impeller
s-a urmarit it was pursued
s.u. dry matter/weight
să fie prezentat prioritar in which focus should be placed on/with emphasis on
Entered by: Claudia Coja
schimbator de ramificatie (railroad) switch device
Scopul prestațiilor Purpose of works/services provided
Entered by: Claudia Coja
Sef Birou Control Tehnic de Conformitate Head of Technical Compliance Office
senale de acces approach channel
Societatea Comerciala de Conservare si Inchidere a Minerlor Conservation and Mine Closure Company
spait metalic spreader
suprafețe de așezare laterală side edge
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
tablotar electrical panel operator
the layout of the instalation schema/planul/configurația instalației
trasee tehnologice process flows
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
trasgel Gleitmittel
Entered by: Adriana I. S.
Trăgătoria de bare bar drawing division/department
unghiul de așezare clearance angle / angle of clearance
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
Upper valve casings Carcasele clapetelor superioare/de sus
vidanjor sewage cleaner
volanta flywheel
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
zona edile assembly and operations area
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