ABC Interpretation Tapes Said to Be Wrong
Thread poster: Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:45
Spanish to Ingiriisi
+ ...
Feb 19, 2006

Quote from article: "...One of the biggest bones of contention with Tierney is ABC’s translation of Hussein saying “Iraq would never do such a thing”. Tierney advises that this portion of the translation is taken completely out of context. Tierney says that prior to Saddam making that statement, he was talking
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Quote from article: "...One of the biggest bones of contention with Tierney is ABC’s translation of Hussein saying “Iraq would never do such a thing”. Tierney advises that this portion of the translation is taken completely out of context. Tierney says that prior to Saddam making that statement, he was talking about attacks on the US but, due to his use of “proxies”, Iraq would not be blamed. The inference is that Hussein, due to his using others not connected with Iraq to affect the US attacks, said that the US and others would say: “Iraq would never do such a thing”...."

[Edited at 2006-02-19 19:46]

Stephen Franke
Stephen Franke
United States
Local time: 00:45
Ingiriisi to Carabi
+ ...
I Side with Bill Tierney's Rendition Feb 20, 2006

Greetings to all concerned parties in this thread.

I would side with, and rely more upon, Bill Tierney's renditions of the audio portions of those "Saddam and company" tapes. Bill Tierney is one of the most-experienced and most-competent Arabic linguists around in the language services industry, and he would be sure to detect the content and provide relevant context of the recorded utterances.

Having heard the poor quality of those tape as bridacst on ABC News, I am ce
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Greetings to all concerned parties in this thread.

I would side with, and rely more upon, Bill Tierney's renditions of the audio portions of those "Saddam and company" tapes. Bill Tierney is one of the most-experienced and most-competent Arabic linguists around in the language services industry, and he would be sure to detect the content and provide relevant context of the recorded utterances.

Having heard the poor quality of those tape as bridacst on ABC News, I am certain that he had a very-demanding task during the many tedious hours of repetitive listening involved while going through the "fuzzy" audio on those tapes. I have done much the same sort of transcription and translations of audiotapes.

With all due respect to ABC News and other news outlets, stations may tend to color what they choose to report out of translations. That practice became apparent, to my surprise, last year when a PBS station program about Saddam's "Anfal" campaign against his citizens presented only (ahem) selected excerpts of my translations of witness testimony by surviving Iraqi Kurds to a group of US lawyers gathering field evidence in NW and NE Iraq.

Like Bill, I was an UNSCOM arms control inspector and linguist/liaison in Baghdad. We never met because I was in Baghdad at an earlier time.


Stephen H. Franke
San Pedro, California


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ABC Interpretation Tapes Said to Be Wrong

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